Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Judgement vs Justice: Bear Essentials 1/29/2019

News in the West

San Juan County Commission Minutes: Recording--January 2019

 Bears Ears Blogs by Rebecca Robinson

Robinson Book Forthcoming

Remember: live within your budget!

Unfortunately, not much Good News

Details of Judge Torgerson's Decision: pdf file 9 pgs

"Written 1/27/2019: Joy Howell So, tomorrow (or later) we get to find out if we're still a Constitutional Republic or if we are a lawless continent. We will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if we are a Union of States bound together with a contract--the Constitution. What does it mean if we are not lawful? If the Rule of Law has been usurped beyond the law abiding citizens having any point of reference...what do we do? Do we still pay taxes? Pretend that our Sheriff has jurisdiction? Are we required to abide by ANY law? I think not. Laws are not a pick and choose according to race, gender, creed, religion...laws are for all of us...or none.

Follow Representative Phil Lyman on Facebook

Judge Rules in Favor of Willie Greyeyes

New Commissioners Plan to Upend County with Resolutions 

Brian Mullahy Welcomes Phil Lyman as New Representative

Response to article: "A courtroom hoax it was, the notion that the 2014 Phil Lyman lead ATV ride in question caused archaeological damage to the route traveled. Construction vehicles and earth moving equipment tore up significant portions of that route decades prior to the ride in question; as well maintenance vehicles much heavier than the ATVs in question traveled the route’s entire length countless times before and after. A 3/4 ton pipeline maintenance truck - again much heavier than an ATV - still travels that entire route multiple times per week to this very day. But the United States Attorney’s Office ignored all that and made the judge believe the ATV ride in question caused archaeological damage.
Add to all that a recorded conversation of the State BLM Director assuring Phil Lyman that no one would be arrested. Add also the suppression of evidence that the route was a dedicated public highway.
These and other issues too numerous to mention produced an injustice for Phil Lyman. A politically and ideologically motivated exercise that cost him dearly."  Balanced Resources

Colorado River Shortage Serious; States Join to Solve Problems


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hearings, Hearsay, and Hope: January 23, 2019

News in the West

~~Mitt Romney's First Town Hall Meeting  Jan. 22

Lake Powell Pipeline Project

~~Despite Education and Warnings, Tourists and Bison Don't Mix 

~~ Paradise Lost:  St. George's Unchecked Growth

~~ California Hikers Not Prepared for Winter

~~ When Politics and the News get too much to Stomach  Try some humor

Bill Boyle Back as Editor of San Juan Record

~~ Marathon Hearing Discusses Residency of Willie Greyeyes 1/22/19

~~ Utah Challenges Control of Federal Lands

~~Snow pack on Blue Mountains Continues to Build

~~Recording of 1st Commission Meeting Jan. 2019 

~~New County Commission Prepares Resolution to Undo Will of the People 

-Section 1: All prior resolutions or official actions of the San Juan County Commission opposing the Bears Ears National Monument or calling for its dis-establishment or reduction, and specifically Resolution Nos. 2015-09, 2016-08 and 2017-02, are hereby immediately rescinded.

-Section 2: The San Juan County Commission condemns the unlawful actions of President Donald Trump by effectively dis-establishing the Bears Ears National Monument through the issuance of Proclamation No , 9681 in violation of the Antiquities Act of 1906,

~~ KUER New Commission Builds up Old Tensions     

Photo by Judy Fahys KUER


Some States are MORE Equal that Others

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Borders, Bundy, Bluff and Beyond; January 19, 2019

News in the West

Salt Lake Tribune Receives Grant for Full Time SJC Reporter

Watch The National Debt Clock Escalate

~~  Hearing Jan 22 to Evaluate W. Greyeyes' State/ SJC Residency;  "Decorum" Rules

~~ Want More Fiscal Responsibility? Give more Power to the States  Gov. Herbert

"...the increasing frequency of federal shutdowns . . . should tell us that the problem is deeper than a disagreement over immigration or health care or the debt ceiling. If we accept that federal shutdowns are likely to continue to occur, then we should consider long-term strategies to mitigate their scope and severity—including the return to a robust federalism that leaves more policy making power to the states. . . . One year ago, I joined with a few other governors to meet then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to discuss various policy concerns. Among other topics, I emphasized the need to devolve power from Washington, D.C., to states, where government is more innovative and responsive. Mrs. Pelosi agreed, and even quoted Justice Louis Brandeis’ famous idea that states are the “laboratories of democracy.” Usually, I’m the one reciting that phrase to federal officials, so I was happy to experience the reverse." Gary Herbert

~~ Cliven Bundy Case Dismissed

~~ Bluff City Council Disconnects "City" from Lyman Family Farms Property 

“I was not elected to engage in expensive litigation,” Mayor Anne Leppanan said. “Expensive, long, nasty litigation with an attorney who will take us through the wringer.

 Natural Resources Package Introduced in Senate   

Senator Murkowski, AK

~~ Dock Congressmen's Salary During Gov. Shutdowns?  John Curtis Agrees 

~~ Climate Change Paranoia; the Campaign for Global Socialism

~~ Conservation Easements + Land Trusts Subvert Private Property Rights

      Tom DeWeese wrote in Sustainable, that there are thousands of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working with the UN to subvert property rights. Of course, they don’t just announce that property rights are now null and void. That would create a stir. Instead, they use code words and language that sound innocent and helpful to our society. One such tool that is now being used to target rural lands for takings is the Conservation Easement, and its threat is growing."

~~Farmers Under Fire: Trial Lawyers’ Attack Agriculture

"Agriculture is in the crosshairs as class-action lawsuits seek huge monetary awards against agricultural producers, said a panel of experts at a workshop at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 100th Annual Convention."

~~ Land and Water Conservation Funds Pose Problem for Stockmen


Wall Building on the Border: Yay and Nay

~~ Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar's views on building the Wall:
"The statistics are worth repeating:
  • 90% of the heroin in our country flows through our porous southern border
  • 50 percent increase in family units arriving in 2018  
  • First time in the history of United States family units and children make up the majority of apprehensions. 
  • In the last two years alone, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records. Including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults and nearly 30,000 sex crimes.
  • 68% of migrants and refugees are victims of violence along the journey
  • 1 out of 3 women sexually assaulted  

When listening to the open border left discuss the much-needed border wall, they often whine that the wall will not work. They cite no facts or figures that walls do not work, nor can they, since the reality is far different. The data shows that anywhere we have built walls we have seen a massive drop in illegal crossings – usually by 90% or more.

  • Tucson (built in 2000): Apprehensions of illegal aliens crossing the border dropped 90% over 15 years
  • Yuma (built in 2005): Apprehensions of illegal aliens crossing the border dropped 95% over 9 years  
  • San Diego (built in 1992): Apprehensions of illegal aliens crossing the border dropped 92% over the past 23 years
  • El Paso (built in 1993):  Apprehensions of illegal aliens crossing the border dropped 72% in one year and 95% over 22 years"

Sunday, January 13, 2019

New Start for San Juan: Bear Essentials January 2019

News in the West

~~ Canyon Zephyr Editor Found Innocent of Defamation Charges

"We have great news today! If you remember, The Zephyr was sued by former Moab City Manager Rebecca Davidson and Tayo, Inc co-founder Tara Smelt in the fall of 2016. That lawsuit was dismissed by Judge Anderson in February, 2017, but Davidson and Smelt appealed to the Utah Court of Appeals. We had oral arguments in front of the Appeals Court this past September and we have just today received our ruling! The Appeals Court unanimously affirmed Judge Anderson's dismissal. The ruling is a fun read. Enjoy and Celebrate!

~~ CNN  Senator Cruz and Rep. Rooney Introduce Constitutional Amendment with Term Limits 

"The amendment, co-sponsored by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and David Perdue (R-Ga.), would restrict senators to two six-year terms and House members to three two-year terms. A similar amendment was proposed by Cruz in January of 2017."

~~Federal Judge Drops Suit Against SJC Auditor/ Clerk: Costs are High

~~ Trump: Pushes to Ramp up Logging on Public Lands

~~ Dixie Area Nat'l Parks Continue to Function with Local Financial Support

~~Federal Government Poor Manager of Nat'l Parks: States Could Do Better

"During the 2013 shutdown, under the Obama administration, the federal government took an especially punitive position. The administration sent armed government agents to shut down the parks. It sent in extra staff to erect barriers around some monuments — monuments funded by private trusts — such as the World War II memorial in Washington, DC."


   ~~Who is Funding the Sunrise Movement, and their Anti-Fuels Agenda

"Linking Movements: Newly released information on the deep-pocketed backers of the growing Sunrise Movement behind the "Green New Deal" reveals that the new push in Congress is being funded by the same donors supporting climate litigation. Both the Rockefeller Family Fund and the Wallace Global Fund provide substantial financial support to EarthRightsInternational (ERI), the Washington, D.C.-based non-profit representing Boulder County, Boulder City and San Mateo County in their lawsuit against ExxonMobil and Suncor, as Western Wire reported, and now we've learned that these same foundations provided the initial funding for Sunrise."

~~ Earth Rights International Role Training Indigenous People

~~ Nature Conservancy Acting as Fed. Government's Real Estate Agent?

"The $1.025 million transaction also sheds light on the threat to traditional rural Western communities posed by one of Capitol Hill’s most insidious slush funds, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Created in 1964, the LWCF was originally supposed to help states develop planning for recreation areas and related facilities. But over the decades the LWCF has morphed into a piggy-bank in which deep-pocketed environmental groups collaborate with wealthy, and often, out-of-state landowners flip land to the federal government."

Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 -- Times are a Changin' -- Bear Essentials and More

News in the West


Utahans Will Pay more for Gas and Out of State Purchases in 2019

Normally, most citizens  believe we are already taxed enough as we pay for government services which are often antiquated, ineffective, and most often wasteful; however, when it comes to lost tax revenues which  affect our San Juan County Schools, I believe out-of-county shopping has been a great detriment to our schools, our teachers, and the services provided to our children.  

I know many people who prefer to drive 160 miles to Walmart, rather than support local stores. Thus they give those taxes to Colorado schools and agencies. Nor does Amazon and  other on-line services share any of their wealth with anyone in San Juan County. If we want a thriving economy in San Juan, without more businesses closing, we need to shop locally first.  Then, and only then, should we shop out of county, or at Amazon, or any other on-line business. Jeff Bezos has no interest nor concern about lack of services, personnel or materials in our schools.  I think requiring the collection and payment of out of state sales tax revenues to San Juan County is a good thing.  JW

Tribute to Mancos Times:  Renewal Project

Old News:  Opening of Bluff Bears Ears Visitor's Center Free Press

Suit Challenges Willie Greyeyes' Candidacy                 

The 15-page complaint filed with the court, claims, “Mr. Grayeyes is a resident of the state of Arizona, not of the state of Utah, thus he is ineligible to run for, or serve, as a San Juan County Commissioner.” 

The 15-page complaint filed with the court claims, “Mr. Grayeyes is a resident of the state of Arizona, not of the state of Utah, thus he is ineligible to run for, or serve, as a San Juan County Commissioner.” 
The 15-page complaint filed with the court claims, “Mr. Grayeyes is a resident of the state of Arizona, not of the state of Utah, thus he is ineligible to run for, or serve, as a San Juan County Commissioner.” 
The 15-page complaint filed with the court claims, “Mr. Grayeyes is a resident of the state of Arizona, not of the state of Utah, thus he is ineligible to run for, or serve, as a San Juan County Commissioner.” 

~~Petition Filed Dec. 28, Showing Greyeyes as Arizona Resident: 64 items

~~What are Public Lands to be used for?  Dexter Gill

~~Constitutional Amendment Proposed Limiting Congressional Term Limits 

~~Navajo Technical University Awarded 3.5 M Grant

~~Republican's Impressive Congressional Score Card

~~KSJD Radio:  Colorado Native Acting Sec. of Interior

~~ Utah's Pension Plan #8 in the Nation, While Other States Falter

Dove Creek "bills itself as the “Pinto Bean Capital of the World,” but the proclamation doesn’t attract many tourists – farming is still the primary economic driver here. In a typical year, Pribble will take in 3 million pounds of pinto beans grown without irrigation water – dryland beansThis summer, despite their admirable thrift, the bean plants withered in bone dry conditions. Southwest Colorado’s entire 2018 dryland bean crop failed, along with almost all of its wheat, sunflower, and safflower.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: A New Year of Hope in the West

In the News

“He has more experience in that building working on these issues than any predecessor,” Jon Hrobsky, an attorney who worked with Bernhardt in President George W. Bush’s Interior Department, told the Washington Examiner. “The uniqueness of David for this job is there has never been anyone more qualified to do it.”

"Trump issued an executive order Friday to allow for active management of forest and rangelands, including thinning and removing debris from millions of acres of federal lands.
The order also calls on federal officials to streamline regulations and permitting processes to allow the harvest of at least 3.8 billion board feet from U.S. Forest Service lands and 600 million board feet from Bureau of Land Management lands."
~~ How Freelancing Can Help Save Rural Life
"Utah is taking advantage of a technological wave that connects skilled workers with work, and increasingly enables people to work from anywhere as freelancers, entrepreneurs, or employees.

~~ Utah in the Top Ten for Mining Industry

~~ Utah Rings in New Year With Toughest DUI Laws in the Country

Socialists still haven't figured out a bankrupt country can't afford more National Parks and Monuments.

"An open records lawsuit filed against the State Department is attempting to uncover whether Russian entities attempted to financially support U.S. environmentalist causes.
The Institute for Energy Research (IER) — a free-market energy group based in Washington, D.C. — filed the lawsuit on Monday. IER has requested that the State Department hand over correspondence concerning hydraulic fracturing, environmental advocacy and Russia that was exchanged to and from high-ranking employees."