Monday, June 17, 2019

GRAMA, Governor, Growth, and Global Environmentalists: Bear Essentials 6/17/2019

News in the West

  Two New Republican Candidates for Utah Gov. in 2020

~~Greg Hughes Running for Gov.

~~ Jeff Burningham Tosses his Hat in the Ring

 ~~N. San Juan County Support and Concerns about Love Truck Stop

~~A Democratic Society or Constitutional Republic? 


~~ Bears Ears Advisory Council Meets for the First Time

~~Dan Love's Mentor, Wm. Woody Ousted from Dept. of Interior 

"Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Office of Law Enforcement Services (OLES) director William Woody seems to have followed a path similar to that of his corrupt protege, Dan Love. Woody has been under investigation for numerous apparent abuses of power and mishandling of government funds since the time he retook the position in 2017. According to our source, on Thursday, June 13, Director Woody’s gun and badge were stripped from him and he was escorted out of the Department of the Interior headquarters in Washington D.C."  Free Range Report

~~Lake Powell on the Rise

~~ Growth in Utah Triggers Need for Tax Restructuring 

~~ Consumers, Cobalt, Controversies and Compromise by Bill Keshlear

~~ Free Event: Agriculture/Legislative Convocation: Red Acre Center

Location: Monticello College: 1849 North Creek Road, Monticello
Date: Saturday June 22, 2019
Time: 7:00pm Red Acre Center (RAC) advocates for local food economies and for small farmers in Utah. RAC has an impressive track record getting bills passed and building bridges that support food freedom. Online: and Phone: 435 590 1661

~~ Global Environmentalists Targeting Beef Industry for Destruction

"The American beef industry has long been a tasty target of the environmentalists and their allies in the animal rights movement. To understand the reason is to know that protecting the environment is not the goal, rather the excuse in a determined drive for global power. Their selected tactic is to control the land, water, energy, and population of the Earth. To achieve these ends requires, among other things, the destruction of private property rights and elimination of every individual’s ability to make personal lifestyle choices, including personal diet." 

~~ Only 3% of Nation's Energy produced via Sun and Wind, Despite $50 Billion in Subsidies  

(How can a Nation $22 Trillion in Debt justify such frivolous spending?)

~~ SL Tribune: Gerhert Opinion Claims Rural Utah Spawns Violence

~~More Decisive Forest Management Needed: Catastrophes Forecast

"The USFS says since 1994, bark beetles have wiped out over four million acres in the southern Rockies. The trees turn red, then brown, then become fuel for catastrophic fires."

~~Oak Foundation, Subsidizes Environmental Agendas


Like the Music Man said, "You've got to know the territory." 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Tariffs, Tourism, Texas Tour, SLC Tribune in the News; 6/8/2019 Bear Essentials

Warm Weather Finally Arrives in San Juan

~~Utah Attorney General Reviewing SJ County Open Meeting Complaints

~~ Trump Returned Nat'l Monument Public Lands to Former Status 

~~ How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt

~~ Peter Stirba an Advocate for Rural Conservatives in Utah

       ~~So Should we Care?? Remembering the Past:

                    ~~Outdoor Gear Companies Tried to Sabotage Utah 2017

                    ~~ Patagonia Leads Boycott in Utah Feb. 2017

    ~~ Deja' vu How Many Feel about Outdoor Gear Companies

~~Industrialized Tourism and its Impact on Moab  -- Canyon Zephyr June 2019

~~ Transfer of Power in San Juan Commission Makes for Rough Ride  Bill Keshlear

~~ Solar Panels also Produce Toxic Waste

~~Socialism: A Substitute for Community Self Governance?

Graphic by Devin Bayles Hancock@2017

The Deceitful Land "Protection" Network (2017 Revisited)

--Wyss Foundation and other Big Funders Seeking to Control Public Lands  by Bill Keshlear 2019

"William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, whose endowment is in the neighborhood of $10 billion, is apparently not a direct contributor to UDB. However, since 2006 the nonprofit has directed $5.225 million to Grand Canyon Trust, which has greatly assisted the Bears Ears project with organizational sophistication and communication expertise."

Other Businesses Working against Multiple Land Use :

ArtPlace America, Colorado Plateau Foundation, Conservation Lands Foundation

Patagonia, Inc. , Conservation Alliance, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation

                       First Nations Development Institute, Community Foundation of Utah

Lush Cosmetics, Chaco Sandals, Wigwam, Marc Toso Photography