Showing posts with label Montana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Montana. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2017

Montana Realty Company Supports Monuments

That should come as no surprise!

Robert Keith published this letter Billings Gazette Feb. 12: "'As co-founder and managing principal of Beartooth Group, a Montana real estate investment firm that restores agricultural and sporting properties across the American West, I have seen firsthand how our national parks, forests, monuments and other public lands drive economic growth.
That’s why I am a member of the Conservation for Economic Growth Coalition, a group of investors and entrepreneurs who believe that public access to these public lands lures entrepreneurs to Montana and helps employers here and across the West recruit and retain the talented, driven people we need to grow our companies and our economy. Our employees work hard and they play hard, and the spectacular landscapes of our public lands provide the inspiration they need and value to give American companies a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.   Read what else he says to Ryan Zinke:
My response to the letter: I can understand why a realtor might be concerned about Utah’s push to rescind Bears Ears NM; real estate is one of the few business to benefit should it remain. As we visit with Kane and Garfield County citizens who live under the shadow of Grand Staircase Escalante NM, things are not booming. Families have moved away and a state of emergency was declared last year. Schools, logging, cattle ranching have all succumbed to the tightening of screws that go with monument regulations. Tourism is not a year-round family-friendly economy, especially where winter last five months. The Bears Ears area was already public land managed by BLM and Forest Service. 
Of greater concern, should be the monumental maneuverings of the past eight years. Obama's 550 Million acres of Monumental lock up, has put our country at risk, and under subjugation to those who will pay off our $20 trillion-dollar debt. That, my western friends is enough land bondage to last a century, and one of the reasons freedom loving people didn't elect another "One World Order" princess. 
These monuments were orchestrated by organizations such as the Conservation Lands Foundation and those who care more about land than people, more about their ideology than freedoms, and who are funded by "monumentally" wealthy people and foundations the likes of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Wyss Foundation, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, and the Wilburforce Foundation. They love to prey on rural America, the working man, and those outside the "inner circle of wealth."
Sincerely, Janet Wilcox  Blanding, Utah