Friday, December 1, 2017

~~ Bear Essentials ~ Dec. 1, 2017 ~~

Plan to attend Saturday’s (Dec. 2) “Thank you" Rally  County Court House Monticello 11 AM. 

We have much to celebrate! Plan to participate
 – Bring signs, Make noise, Talk to visitors & Media  
Even the Bears are Celebrating!

Monday:  Big Reveal at the State Capitol Noon
Live Stream: Hideout in Monticello
Ticket Availability is iffy, but lots of space outside.
Check Save the Bears Ears FB for updates
The Petroglyph: “Senator Hatch and Congressman Bishop should take this opportunity to pass a bill in congress that will make Utah exempt from the Antiquities Act just like Wyoming. That would prevent this from ever happening again.... Now is the time for our Utah Senator's and Congressman to support President Trumps actions and to protect Utah from the billion dollar a year environmental industry. Now that would be something to brag about.... Everyone should contact Hatch and Bishop and tell them to do Contact Senator Hatch:
v Express your appreciation and concerns:   Write or Call the President:
Write to Secretary Zinke: Dept. of the Interior  1849 C Street, N.W.  Wash. DC 20240 

Good News Bears

Bad News Bears 
Other issues related to San Juan County
 “If the divisive and painful battles over monuments are to be ameliorated, the Antiquities Act must be reformed. But, there is something Utah can do in the meantime–given the self-inflicted paralysis plaguing our moribund Congress. Utah can exempt itself from the Antiquities Act, and future monument designations. And yes, it’s been done before; by Wyoming and Alaska.” Majorie Haun
Western states and their citizens are not equal. Contrary to the intent of the framers of the Constitution, they are awed “into an undue obedience” to the federal government.”

Roosevelt’s 1906 Antiquities Act has been manipulated and misused by a long chain of presidents. It is time to change executive overreach, and implement legislation whereby such designations are required to have congressional approval.  Our duly elected officials must be included in those important decisions, which directly affect individual states and rural America.
                        “Impoverished western counties dominated by federally claimed land
                                        are exporting children and importing poverty.”
75.2% of Utah’s land is public. Only 24.8% is privately owned. 

                                     Documenting Bears Ears “No Monument” efforts since July 2016

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

~~ Bear Essentials ~ Nov. 21, 2017 ~~

Something to be Thankful for   The Purpose of the Constitution

What Does The Constitution Contain?  Read and Listen

Good News Bears

Bad News Bears  
n  Can tourism be a boon? (read comments as well)
                                     Documenting Bears Ears “No Monument” efforts since July 2016

Friday, November 17, 2017

Redistricting Law Suit Hopes to Divide San Juan County

Dear Mr. Grofman and Judge Shelby,

Introduction:  I welcome the chance given to share my concerns via e-mail, as appointments interfered with attending today.  We moved to San Juan County 47 years ago. I was a high school teacher for 15 years and my husband a social worker for over 30 years.  We have had more interaction with both Ute and Navajo people than most. As a teacher at San Juan High, about 50% of my students were Native American.  During those years I used a strategy called Student/Team learning.   This strategy promoted important social and academic interaction and cooperation.  I also had either Navajo or Ute students compete in Washington DC at the National History Fair 8 different years. I encouraged, and promoted cultural awareness, and historical research on topics relevant to their culture and history. I taught them skills needed for college and jobs, so they did not have to ever take the role of a victim, but rather as a capable, educated, competent American.  We need the Navajo Tribe help make our reservation schools better, not suck much needed tax money from an already very poor county via frivolous law suits. 

Concerns before addressing the realignment:
1)      I find it ironic that such little advance notice was given about these meetings, especially if you hoped to involve Native Americans within our county.  This county is bigger than many states, and it takes several weeks to let people know about meetings.  This was not done
2)     Secondly, the time allocated for the two meetings was scheduled during the working day.  That too affects every employed person in the county, Native and Anglo alike. 
3)     Thirdly, I find it ironic that even though Blanding is the largest community in the county and is the one with the largest Native population, it was not selected as a site for the hearing. That seemed especially disrespectful, as it is also the target town being dissected and sacrificed on a political altar in the name of equality. 

My Opinion concerning realignment:
n  Any option that splits up Blanding is unacceptable. Unitedly, we have forged a community that has emphasized education, jobs, safe water, and medical services for over 100 years.  In the past 30 years, these goals have moved significantly to the forefront and been strongly supported by both Anglo and Native American’s alike.  With a college in our community, we are providing higher education for students throughout the whole county. Our medical facilities have continued to expand and provide both wonderful services and good jobs for all within the county. To me that is much more important role  than creating a divisive law suit that only represents a few people who do not speak for this larger population including Hispanics, Navajos, Anglos, and Utes.  
n  There has been a general feeling in the county, among Navajo associates, that the Navajo Tribe in general, cares little about the Utah Navajos. They provide little law enforcement, few paved roads, nor do they promote businesses for employment.  As a result, many local Navajos see themselves as orphans of the tribe.
n  To claim that voting rights were hindered by turning to a mail in ballot is not correct.  From everything I’ve read, the voter turnout was the best it’s ever been, both on reservation and off.  It saves both time and money traveling to a voting place.  

Those are my main concerns.  I hope you will take them seriously, and view this situation in a broader perspective.  We do not see San Juan County as “them” vs. “us”, but WE.  And We propose to keep moving forward promoting those things which are of lasting worth for the well-being of all who live here.

Janet Wilcox                          

Sunday, November 12, 2017

~~ Bear Essentials ~ Nov. 12, 2017 ~~

Green Groups Oppose Trump’s Utah Visit: Time to Speak Up
 Write to Secretary Zinke: Dept. of the Interior  1849 C Street, N.W.  Wash. DC 20240 

Good News Bears
n  The Value of Accurate Quotes  by Jim Stiles Canyon Zephyr


Bad News Bears         

                  Other issues related to San Juan County
n  San Juan County Looks at best way to realign voting districts  Public meetings scheduled for Bluff and Monticello Thurs. Nov. 16
n  Veterans Day in San Juan County  KUER visits, interviews and reports
n  Bundy Trial in Nevada Moves Slowly: Video Evidence in Question
                                     Documenting Bears Ears “No Monument” efforts since July 2016

“A place is not a place until people have been born in it, grown up, lived in it, know it, and have died in it; until they have shaped it through their experiences as individuals, families, communities; until things that have happened are remembered in history, ballads, yarns, legends, and in monuments.”
Wallace Stegner