Monday, January 1, 2018

Fie on groups Using and Abusing federal $ to Suck the Life out of Rural Communities

Letter to: National Parks Service 12/ 20/ 2017 

National Parks and Monuments have been the victims of poor management, and inadequate budget allocation for decades. Far too much of the DOI funding has been spent on EPA speculation, research, and over spending, on both the state and federal levels. Funds that should have been used to actually maintain existing park "environment" have instead been wasted on frivolous studies and lawsuits, involving sage grouse, turtles, birds, etc. It's time that the DOI takes back its role in managing actual land, water, its resources, and possibilities for multiple use. If wisely utilized the land, timber, and minerals could actually generate money. 

Public lands and those who use them, should generate part of this financial backlog; however, a bigger question is, how much has been spent paying lawyers who make life miserable for Western states and counties? The curse of litigation provides little benefit to real people who live in the West, nor the land they live by. It only spends more and more government money, while maintenance of parks and facilities degenerate more each year. Fie on the so called green friendly groups and their grants and lawsuits, who use and abuse federal money to suck the life out of rural communities and surrounding public lands
Hopefully, you can rectify this mire of neglect, and the excess of litigation.

   Janet Wilcox

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