Thursday, December 22, 2016

San Juan Stewards Speak up at State Capitol Rally Dec. 19

All photos by Jami Bayles, Stewards of San Juan President 

 Nicole Perkins: "This wonderful lady, Grandma Betty, has been there every step of the way in opposing the designation of this monument. It has been a privilege to be able to sit and talk with her and her daughter, Anna Tom, many times at the library. No one will probably ever truly know of the many many hours these two women have sacrificed for this cause. And Thank you Jami Bayles for you quiet but strong leadership. You have been consistent and true in everything you have done."

Kim Henderson was interviewed by a reporter at the rally.
"Kim literally talked a guy out of wearing his pro-monument shirt. She's a rockstar." Jami Bayles

Our faithful little supporter

"A HUGE thanks to Brent Jay Harrison (on the right).
 We weren't allowed to bring the signs with us, so he stood outside the room 
and watched over them, as he overheard pro-monumenters contemplating 
taking them and  throwing them in the trash."

Suzette Morris and her girls with Representative Mia Love.
All Congressional representatives spoke loud and strong against Monument designation at the rally Monday.

Suzette has been a consistent, steady voice throughout this fight for freedom and land use.
Show here with Representative Robb Bishop


Suzette Morris has been a consistent, steady voice throughout this fight for freedom and land use.

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