Thursday, January 26, 2017

BLM Version 2.0 is not an Improvement in Policy

Now we're that in the "planning" stages of a National Monument and working with the BLM --maybe we should review this earlier warning.

 By Cassie Moon  (written Aug. 22, 2016)

 BLM 2.0 is the new lands planning for the BLM. Basically, it changes everything. In the past, the BLM would plan the land use future with the local governments first. Then the BLM would open up the plan to other stakeholders like special interest groups to gain their input as well. 

Now, the new rule takes the land plan, to fast track it, and gives all stakeholders open comment at the same time. This move raises the NGO's to the same level as the government (elected officials) and gives them equal power. NGO's are not elected by the people to represent the people. 

The BLM claims this is more timely as it develops plans as they have also shortened the comments time. The planning policy used to say the plans had to meet with what was practical to local and state government. If it wasn't, the burden fell on the BLM to provide reasons in writing. Now, the rule states that plans have to be consistent with the council of environmental quality. 

The problem now lies with the state to provide how plans are "not practical." Economic impact used to be measured if it affected over $100 million dollars, an impact study would be needed. Now, this is measured on an appropriate scale. One example is that the reports produced by Wild Earth says that Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument is helping towns to thrive. The impact study that group used included the areas of St. George and Las Vegas to "provide proof" the GSENM was an economic boon.

However, Utah State also provided a study and proved that the actual counties were devastated. The BLM and the council of environmental quality no longer look at the appropriate scale. This rule is not just in Utah. IT IS NATIONWIDE!  Everyone should worry that BLM may be planning about your land use, based upon information from other states. The local and practical part is missing in BLM Version 2.0. The comment period on the new law is over, and the final draft is not out. You all need to call your congressmen and put political pressure from constituents to stop this madness!

Listen to The County Seat discussion on these local concerns

BLM's Version 2.0 strategy is to move (non-elected)  Non-government Organizations, i.e. SUWA, Friends of Cedar Mesa, ad the local planning table as equals.)

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